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Meet Nancy, President of Charlson Meadows

If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks.  That’s how dreams are achieved.–Unknown

It started as a dream-a big dream.
Charlson Meadows is a place that inspires with the power of beauty, both in the natural spaces and the exquisite details of the Nancy Nelson Lake House.

A little history
Nancy Nelson worked for Lynn Charlson, an inventor and successful businessman, for more than twenty years. She was privy to his latest ideas and dreams as she accompanied him in meetings with business leaders and scientists who came from around the world. After his passing in 2004, Nancy was left as the sole trustee of his estate with the opportunity to dream her own dreams to best serve others with the resources he left behind. 

Dream, Design, Build
Some encouraged her to sell the 142 acres of prime real estate for development, but she held firm to her desire to protect and preserve the land and use it for something good. She understood the power beauty has to lift and inspire, so she dreamed of providing a space for those that serve in high burn out, “boots on the ground” sort of roles. She envisioned a place where guests were shown gratitude for their essential roles in our community and offered a place to come away for rest and to invest in restoring themselves.

If you have visited the Nancy Nelson Lake House you know that every space was designed with intention.  Nancy’s eye for beauty and gift for hospitality informed the details of the lovely space. She set out to create little niches where a conversation could happen both in the house and on the land. During the building phase, she watched as her heart took shape from the office windows next door. The long process was celebrated with a dedication ceremony in August of 2018. Our first guests were educators who will always have a special place in her heart because Nancy is married to a (now retired) teacher which helped spark this dream. 

Charlson Meadows’ resources make it possible to welcome non-profit organizations for a nominal fee making it accessible to a wider variety of groups.  Teams come to cast vision, build relationships, along with rest and renewal in nature. All of this and much more are happening here on a daily basis.  

Looking to the Future
For years to come there will be more dreaming, more creating, and more conversations that matter because Nancy Nelson dreamed a big dream.

With gratitude, we honor Nancy Nelson and the way she invested her heart and talents to develop Charlson Meadows and the Lake House that bears her name.  

Nancy’s Favorites 

  • Place at Charlson Meadows: The trail in the fall when ablaze with color.
  • Quote: Allow yourself to dream, wish, and imagine the best that can happen. -Rohen Phoenix
  • Flavor of Ice Cream: Bridgeman’s Rum Cherry or Butterbrickle
  • Flower in the Cutting Garden: Peonies and lilacs
  • Produce in the Garden: Kale
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